Talal El-Houni


MSc in Health Data Science, skilled in Python and SQL, turning data into strategic insights in healthcare and market research.

Driven by the potential of technology to improve lives, ready for fresh challenges with a mix of analytical prowess and creative problem-solving.

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Dynamic Sales Performance Dashboard in Excel

Project Overview

This project demonstrates the creation of a comprehensive Excel dashboard for analysing sales performance, based on a client engagement. The dashboard, recreated here with mock data, originated from a need to provide in-depth insights into sales operations over the 2016 to 2018 period. A key part of the project involved using SQL for data extraction and preparation, showcasing my ability to integrate data analysis tools for insightful visualisations.

Key Features:

Business Questions Addressed:

  1. What is the condition of sales activities within the company from 2016 to 2018?
  2. How do sales volumes and revenues trend over this period?
  3. What are the detailed revenues per region, store, product category, and brand?
  4. Who are the top customers and sales representatives?

Tools Used

How to Use the Dashboard


This project illustrates my proficiency with both SQL for data management and Excel for data analysis and visualisation. It underscores the capability to leverage these tools in tandem to deliver actionable business insights and support strategic decision-making.

This project is based on mock data and intended for portfolio presentation only.