Talal El-Houni


MSc in Health Data Science, skilled in Python and SQL, turning data into strategic insights in healthcare and market research.

Driven by the potential of technology to improve lives, ready for fresh challenges with a mix of analytical prowess and creative problem-solving.

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Synthesising Privacy: Generating Time-Series Data for Mental Health Monitoring with TimeGAN


This project applied Time-series Generative Adversarial Networks (TimeGAN) to the CrossCheck dataset for generating synthetic time-series data, aiming to monitor severe mental illness symptoms while addressing privacy concerns. It demonstrates that synthetic data can closely mimic real datasets in statistical properties and temporal dynamics.


Dynamic Sales Dashboard Creation in Excel for Retail Insights


This project showcases the creation of an Excel dashboard for analysing sales performance, leveraging SQL for data preparation and offering in-depth insights through dynamic visualisations and comprehensive analysis.



This project recreates a public health dashboard to analyse and visualise flu shot distribution in 2022 by age, race, and county. It leverages SQL for data handling and Tableau for dynamic visualisations, employing PostgreSQL and pgAdmin for data management. The project highlights the effective use of technical skills to transform complex datasets into actionable public health insights.


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